Delta 500 ML Mini Cryo Gun
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Product Description
Delta Cryo Gun Sprayer Container for Liquid Nitrogen
(LN2 – Liquid Nitrogen) Sprayer 500ml
No Liquid Nitrogen will be supplied in the Cryo Gun – It is Empty and user have to fill liquid nitrogen at their place from local supplier/ Hospitals/ nursing home and also can buy liquid nitrogen container from local supplier for filling time to time.
Delta offers a 300ml Liquid Nitrogen Container Sprayer with 5 different freeze heads. The 5 freeze heads offer a more accurate and safe handling of Delta cryosurgery unit The sprayer is lightweight and portable; weighing 0.5 kg ( 1.10 lbs). empty. It is not designed for long storage of Liquid N2O, but is easily filled when you’re ready to use it.
The Delta cryosurgery Liquid Nitrogen Sprayer is perfect in a healthcare setting where one might have a wart or other skin condition treated using Liquid Nitrogen. College professionals such as Chemists or Physicists could use this where an Liquid Nitrozen Sprayer could be useful in completing an experiment. An up and coming use for the Delta cryo Sprayer is in the field of Molecular Gastronomy; a food science that examines the physical and chemical transformations of ingredients that occur in cooking. Some recipes call for LN2.
LNC treatment requires only about one-thirds the time by CO2 snow or nitrous oxide system (Regular cryo gun) to achieve the appropriate degree of freezing because of the relative temperatures (-196 degrees C when compared with -79 degrees C).
Liquid nitrogen can be applied directly by spraying the gun.
It is convenient to arrange a freezing session on a specific day and can be treated on any number of patients on the same day. No form of anesthesia is required for freezing, it can be carried out single-handed and no scarring results.
Liquid nitrogen treatment can be done most conveniently and economically and usually arrange to have the container (cryo-can) filled at a local hospital, laboratory or even a factory,
Milk diary as liquid nitrogen now-a-days is widely used for many purposes and small quantities (350ml) works out at no cost!
Cryogen Temperature Boiling Point Applied to Skin
Liquid Nitrogen -196 -196
Nitrous Oxide -88.4 ——–
Carbon-DI-oxide — -78.5
Halocarbon 22 -40.8 -70*
Halocarbon 12 -29.8 -60*
Halocarbon 114 — -30*
Top Keywords
Cryo Surgical System | Cryotherapy Surgery | Cryoablation Technology | Cryosurgery Equipment | Cryo Surgical Instruments | Cryogenic Surgical System | Cold Therapy Surgery | Cryoablation Procedure | Cryo Surgery Device | Cryo Treatment System